Parents are a welcome and vital part of Bamford's teaching and learning community. We value parent partnerships in our students' education, and we look forward to inviting you into our classrooms to share your knowledge and expertise, to help with a special project or event, or simply to spend time with your child. Anyone who is interested in volunteering in our school or attending school field trips as a chaperone is required to register as a volunteer with Poudre School District. To begin the volunteer registration process, please click here to be directed to the PSD Volunteer Page.
For helpful information and important accounts to set up for your student, please visit the links below. Please note you will need your student's Student ID Number (this is the same as their lunch number) to set up most accounts.
- Bamford Family Handbook
- Attendance Information
- Transportation - Click here to fill out a bus request and find other transportation information.
- Zūm App - Live Bus Updates - PSD uses this app to help parents know where their child's bus is. It provides the real-time location of each bus and makes it easy for parents to see if the bus is delayed and you can request push notifications of bus arrivals. The PSD school code for the app is 75840.
- PSD School Calendar
- School Breakfast and Lunch - This site will allow you to access the menus, ingredients, meal prices and more.
- ParentVue - This account will allow you to see information regarding your student's classes and school information.
- SchoolPay - This account will allow you to pay for school activities online and to put money in a lunch account if your child wants food or drinks beyond the allocated free portions. To learn more about SchoolPay and how you can use it, click here.
- PSD Code of Conduct
- AlphaBEST Information - Before and after school childcare program.
- Volunteer Registration - This must be completed and approved before volunteering at school.
- Student Registration - This PSD registration site is where to go to register a student new to PSD.
- School Choice - This link explains the school choice process and provides a link to apply.